Our Story
Make learning and teaching more effective with active participation and student collaboration

I am Manoj Kumar. I am a professional animator. I have 10+ years experience in this field . Talking about my skills. I specialize in 2D, 3d animation, motion graphics, digital coloring, sound engineering, character design, background design, vfx, video editing, professional video shoot. When I teach animation to someone, I always teach according to the trend that is going on in the market. I have been given classes given to about 200+ students, many of the students are doing jobs in good companies. Some are earning by starting youtube channel. Reviews of children have always been good for me.
Mission & Vision
youtube and freelancing
Things that make us proud
Choose your learning level
With analytics tools, to help you share with current and future clients.
All services for our team of industry experts, personal training.
Total collections, quoting, enrollment, and reporting in Italian and English.
We can help you set up and manager your groups if you are become our partner.
Our Team

Devon Lane

Courtney Henry
Assistant Professor

Jane Cooper
Assistant Professor

Esther Howard
Visual Artist